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10 Ways to Be a Better Dad

10 Ways to Be a Better Dad

Better dads can raise better kids and better families. Therefore, all dads should follow these 10 thumb rules to raise happy and well balanced kids. Have a quick look at the top 10 ways to be a better dad.

Fatherhood is one of the most wonderful phases that you will enjoy in your life but it comes with a lot of responsibilities. Some of the expectations of fatherhood can leave you a little confused so follow these tips to become an exemplary father.

1. Start Working on Your Marriage

Child psychiatrists and counsellors all agree on the point that being a better father automatically entails becoming a better husband first. Unless your marriage is not rock solid your children will be witnesses to the undercurrents of anger or bitterness that flow between the relationships you and your spouse share. Resolve your issues as a couple before you become a father and be involved in the whole prenatal process of birthing.

2. Make Allowances for Your Spouse

Fatherhood is an immensely important role but remember it is the mother who has to face much of the stress and the biological changes that come with being a parent. So if you notice your wife being unduly stressed out or irritable then do not react or snap back especially in front of your kids. Instead try being more understanding and sharing her chores. When your kids see how cooperative you are they will automatically think of you as a better dad.

3. Take on Infant Duty

Fatherhood is not only about clicking cute pictures of your children or about taking them to the zoo. It is also about the stuff like changing nappies, cleaning up the mess and tending to scraped knees. Children can quickly identify when their father is around only for the fun times so make sure that you have an active role in almost all the aspects of your children’s lives.

4. Take on Night Duty

If you are a new father then you must know how infants have this habit of getting up and demanding to be fed at all unearthly hours. Well the first step you could take on your path to becoming a great dad is to take on night duty sometimes. Help burp your little one after your wife has finished her breastfeeding role and use this time to enjoy some quite moments as a trio. Some years later you will actually cherish those memories.

5. Show Affection Openly

Many men have issues with showing affection in the form of cuddles, hugs and kisses. However, child psychiatrists say that physical affection is the only form of love which children especially very young infants understand. So the only way you can send an “I love you” message to your very young child is through being affectionate physically by hugging and kissing. Demonstrate a lot of physical affection and see love lighting up your child’s eyes.

6. Be an Example

If you had an amazing childhood and a really loving father then your fatherhood gives you a great opportunity to replicate the example. Try to remember all that your father used to do for you and try doing those things yourself. Give your child all that you did not receive yourself as a kid. Either way, try to become an example to the world of a good father.

7. Never Abuse

Hitting or using verbal abuse on your child is the worst possible thing you could do as a father. If you were a victim of physical violence in your childhood then you might be tempted to raise your hand sometimes. If you recognize this tendency in yourself then do go and see a counsellor to get this tendency suppressed. That will be the biggest favour you can do to your kids.

8. Follow Your Gut

If you read multiple books on parenting then you will find that all of them offer contradictory advice on parenting and fatherhood. This is not to say that one should not read parenting books. However, do apply your instinct before applying the advice you read. Different children need to be treated differently as they have varying needs. As a father you need to able to trust your gut.

9. Have Fun Together

As a father there are some activities your kids will love to enjoy only with you. For example playing football, going fishing etc are all typical father-child activities. Make sure that you spend a lot of time engaging in these activities with your children. The more fun you have together as an unit the better your relationship with your kids will grow. Remember that most kids tend to idolize their father so live up to their expectations.

10. Enjoy this Phase

Fatherhood is a beautiful phase so make sure that you enjoy every moment of it. Your kids will not be this little forever and it is amazing how fast they grow up. A father’s role is to build the value system of kids and teach them how to lead life. So make sure that you are mentally prepared to do the same. Try to genuinely enjoy your role and your kids are sure to appreciate you.
If you follow these tips sincerely then you are sure to gradually become a better father and a better human being.

What are the important characteristics of better dads? Which parenting responsibilities should be carried out by dads? What roles should dads play in the upbringing of children? Discuss here.

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Palak.9 years ago
Nice topic, every dad must go through this article.
Neerav.9 years ago
Involved dads are better dads.
Preeti.9 years ago
Important reminder to all dads, nice article.
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