Interfering Family Members

If you are married any you live in a joint family, then your family members will naturally interfere in your life. The most interfering member would be your mother-in-law. However, you can take this interference positively and sort the issue tactfully. Read on to find how you can deal with your interfering family members.

Marriage is not just an occasion or function in life. It virtually changes the entire life and thinking of both the persons getting married to each other. It is not just the union of two live, but the entire family and its members get involved here. Changes come is everyone’s life in one way or another.

With the union of two families, usually there comes one or both mothers-in-law and that is usually not a blessing. Most of them try to interfere between the partners and most often this turns out very annoying and aggravating too.

Steps to Deal with Interfering Family Members

Here is how you can deal with you interfering family members tactfully.

Dealing with Interfering Mother-In-Law

Some mothers-in-law take the hint that they are not needed easily and they can either stop interfering or minimise their visits to your house. Some mothers-in-law have to be treated in a different and strategic way because they assert themselves into a marriage even if they are not liked and their interference is not received kindly.

Handling Interfering Members

Some of the interfering members can be avoided. So, if the interference is minimal, you can smile and nod and carry on with your works and life as usual. This can even save you from getting into any kind of argument with your partner and have problems between the two of you.

Talking About the Issue Politely

If things are really serious, you need to talk to the interfering member and this is obviously not an easy task. You can take the help of your spouse whose relative is causing problem so that the matter is dealt with in a successful manner. If your partner is unable to handle situation and the person, you need to think one step ahead of this. Try not to tell anything to that person because only then he will not be in a position to give his opinion.

Avoiding Discussion on Your Married Life

You can change the topic whenever the person tries to interfere in your matters. If even then she tries to go back to the topic, you can straightforwardly say that you have taken the decision and you are not going to accept his or her opinion.

Violence By Family Members

Some family members may interfere physically in adverse conditions too and this becomes all the more difficult to handle. You should not give up easily and try to minimise contact with these people. Do not let anyone control your life easily. If the things get worse, and the matter involves violence than it is better to think seriously about the relationship.

However, you can deal with problems as and how the situation demands making use of your wisdom and prudence. The above mentioned tips and guidelines will undoubtedly help you do so. Besides all this, you should also keep in mind that not all family members are interfering and you should not have a biased mind at the time of your marriage.

It is always good to observe and then analyse the facts of the family and its members where you are married. Remember, that the person you are married to has other relationships too that matters. So, if there is any such problem, try to sort it out politely and if possible make some compromises to have the relationship get going. Just keep in mind that the adjustments should be on acceptable terms and your partner should be aware of everything.

Politeness and open heart for conversation always leaves a ray of hope for friendship and alliance. However, it is easy to break relationship with anyone, but it takes years to get back the same feeling and affiliation.

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