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M e s s a g e  B o a r d  H E L P
First Steps
Reading A Message
Replying To A Message
Replying To A Reply
Starting A New Topic
Deleting A Message
My Options

My Board
Creating My Board 

First Steps
Welcome to the IndiaParenting Message Boards - a great place to make friends, share tips and advice and express opinions. Our message boards are easy to use, and it's always fun to be part of a large community. Join a board based on your stage of parenting. You can even join a due date club, a baby club or exchange recipes and beauty tips. If you can't find a discussion that is relevant to your needs, you can even start your own topic! 

An exciting feature of the IndiaParenting Message Boards is that you can create 'My Board' which is exclusively for your family and friends.

If you are not a member of IndiaParenting you will be able to read messages, but you won't be able to post messages or create your own board. So click here for your FREE membership. 

Reading a Message
From the list of message boards, choose a topic that interests you and click on it. When the board opens, you will see a list of messages. Choose a subject from the list and click on it to open the message. The replies to the messages are below, on the same page, so you can easily read all replies and follow the discussion.
Replying to a Message
To reply to a message click on the 'Reply' button below the original message. This will open a pop-up window. You can then reply to the message. You can even select an icon that expresses an emotion to accompany your reply. 

Once you have finished, click 'Submit'. Once you click on 'Submit' please wait a few seconds for the pop-up window to close and your message to appear on the page.

If you change your mind and do not want to reply, simply click 'Close Window'.

Replying to a Reply
Each reply has two options -

Reply to Original Message:
When you choose to reply to the original message, your reply will show up after the other replies.

Reply to This Message: 
You can reply to a reply by clicking on "Reply to This Message". The message you post will then show up directly under the message you replied to.

When you choose any of these options a pop-up window will appear. Type out your message. You can even select an icon that expresses an emotion to accompany your reply.

Once you have finished, click 'Submit'. After clicking on 'Submit' please wait a few seconds for the pop-up window to shut and your message to appear on the page.

If you change your mind and do not want to reply, simply click 'Close Window'.

Starting a New Topic
To start a new topic, simply click on the 'Start a New Topic' button which appears once you choose a board. If you're not yet a member of IndiaParenting you won't be able to start a new topic or post messages. Click here and become a member.

Once you click on the Start a New Topic' link, a pop-up window will appear where you can post your topic. The subject that you put will provide other parents with a description for the topic you've started, so make sure it is an accurate and interesting subject. The message that you post will be the original message that will show up right on top once someone clicks on your topic. You can even select an icon that expresses an emotion to accompany your message. This icon will show up right next to your subject.

Deleting a Message
Please send the URL (address) of the page on which the message appears (you can copy this from your browser window), and a copy of the text of the message to with a note which states the reason why we need to delete the message.

My Options
Once you have logged in as a registered user you have these options to maximize your use of the message boards...

Invite a Friend
You can send a favorite message board to a friend. Once you click on the 'Invite a Friend' link, a pop-up window will appear requesting your email, name and email addresses of friends. Type out a small message to say hi to your friends, and tell them why you feel this board will be of use to them. A great way of staying in touch, and helping them out by sending them discussions relevant to their needs!

Add to My Favourites
No more searching for your favourite topics! You can now keep track of your favourite messages and access them anytime by simply clicking on the 'See My Favourites' link. And the best part is, you can keep track of as many messages as you want!

See My Favourites
Clicking on this link allows you to access the messages you have added to your favourite list. Simply click on any of them to see the latest discussions on your favourite topics.

My Board 
My Board is a private area on our message boards that is exclusively created by YOU for your family and friends. It is only available to those whom you invite. Once you create My Board you will receive an email with the link to your private board. Please preserve this email, as this link will be the only way you can access your board.

Creating My Board 
You can create your board in 3 simple steps.

You will be asked for your Login and Password. If you're not a registered member, click here to join.

Introduction for MY Board
You have to provide a name, which serves as a heading for your board, and description which is a personal introduction to your board. 

Invite Family and Friends to MY Board
Since this is a private board, you need to 'invite' family and friends. When you choose to 'invite' someone to your board, you simply enter their e-mail address in the space provided and we send them an email with the link to your board. You will also receive an email with a link to your board which you can then forward to invite more friends.

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