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Thread: I lack support

  1. #1

    I lack support

    I want to start trading Forex, and, to be honest, I counted on the moral and financial support of my parents. I have a good theoretical base, so I am sure that I will get a good result. However, they refused me funding and backing.

  2. #2
    Look, it's weird to ask your parents for money to trade crypto. It seems to me that it would be better if you started doing this on your own, albeit with a small investment.

  3. #3
    Hi guys. Look, why don't you try applying to one of the proprietary Forex trading firms? If you have not heard anything about it, then I advise you to check https://www.audacitycapital.co.uk/. If you pass the interview and get approved, then this firm will provide you with the necessary funding, shaping your future, and this is a really cool opportunity. Read more about the terms and conditions on their website.

  4. #4
    Recently, new technologies have emerged that enable you to conduct all financial transactions via your phone, making the integration of various systems quick and easy. I liked the https://nftandgamefi.com/2022/05/19/...t-film-crypto/ format because it lets you experiment with various exchanges that enable you to incorporate new features. The simplicity of integrating new technologies, which are crucial in our community right now, is crucial in this.

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