Vitamin C and the body
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient for growth joker123 Development and repair of various tissues of the body. Moreover, vitamin C is a nutrient that has been classified as one of the nutrients that are safe and highly effective for the body. Vitamin C contributes to the relief of colds. Prevent various complications, strengthen the immune system Prevent cardiovascular disease Qualified in creating collagen. Stimulate iron absorption Helps to heal wounds, nourish bones, cartilage, and teeth, as well as have beneficial effects on skin health.

Taking too much vitamin C What are the disadvantages?
Vitamin C is a nutrient that is beneficial and without any harm to the body because it has been classified as the most safe nutrient. Therefore, eating more vitamin C than the body should receive each day. Will not result in serious bodily diseases. Although the body is not affected by the disease. But getting too much vitamin C Still adversely affecting the body as follows

Negatively affecting the digestive system Because too much vitamin C can cause the body to not fully absorb or be absorbed. And this vitamin C that is not absorbed, causing irritation in the digestive system The body has too much iron. Vitamin C acts to stimulate the absorption of iron. When vitamin C is too much, it encourages the body to absorb more iron as well. Risk of developing kidney stones When too much vitamin C The excess and not absorbed will be excreted as waste. The waste that is at risk of causing kidney stones.