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Depression in Children

Depression in Children

Depression is not something that affects only adults. Increasingly more and more children and teenagers are becoming victims of depression.
Although people often say that childhood is the happiest time of one's life, this hackneyed statement is not necessarily true. Yes, we didn't have many responsibilities when we were children, but we didn't have much freedom either. We may not have had job or financial worries, but how many of us stayed up nights worrying about our grades? How many of us had nightmares that we had failed in our exams? How many of us were teased at school? How many of us worried about peer acceptance or did things we didn't really want to because of peer pressure? Yes, childhood is great, as is every other stage in life, but it is certainly not worry-free! We all had our share of fights with friends, our share of sadness and shed tears more often than we can remember. No one, no matter how old, how rich or how successful, is immune to sadness. Everybody hurts. And for this reason, everyone is susceptible to depression.
Not many people are aware that something like childhood depression even exists, since everyone assumes that children have nothing to worry about. This is a pity, considering that there is so much a parent can do to ensure a happier childhood for their child.
In addition, depression in children is different from depression in adults, which is why it often goes unnoticed. And then when a seemingly normal teenager takes his life, his parents are devastated and wonder if they could have done anything to prevent the suicide.
Although suicides are not very common, children increasingly suffer from mild depression. So although they are not depressed enough to take their lives, they are certainly not happy.
A number of reasons can cause depression. There could be a trigger, such as loss of a parent or sibling, there could be a history of depression in the family, or it could manifest from other events. Since depression has numerous, unidentifiable causes, it is more important to concentrate on identifying depression and getting it treated.

Some symptoms include:

Mood swings
Difficulty in sleeping
Anger, temper tantrums, rage
Difficulty eating
Loss of interest in activities usually enjoyed
Many of these symptoms are common in many children. What you need to look out for is if any of these symptoms are a recent occurrence. In fact, any unexplained change in your child's behavior is something you need to look into. Your child's depression may last for a short while and go away with time, but it would be best if you could work your child through this period and give him your support.
The first thing you should do is to have a talk with your child. Make sure you are a friend to your child, so if he has a problem he can come and confide in you. Don't be a parent your child is scared of - be a parent your child finds comfort in.
After having a talk with your child, if you feel the problem runs deeper, take him to the school psychologist for guidance. Your child may speak more freely with the school psychologist than with you. Let your child know that the conversations he has with the psychologist are completely confidential. The psychologist in turn will guide you on how to best deal with your child, without revealing the conversations.

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Jhanvi.14 years ago
my son gets depressed when tell to i tell him to go to school. he had a problem with his classfellows, they use to tease and fight with him. one he told me the whole story about his class fellow. then i met the class teacher and told the entire problem and now the problem is solved.
he is now enjoying school..
Radha.14 years ago
my daughter[5 yrs] is quite smart and very sharp in listening things which is happening around her and has got a wonderful memory power. of course, all children do have! but for the past 6mnths i find her losing the memory power especially in class time and in her education overall. but i find no problem in her school,class miss as well as with her classmates. one thing i can sense is she is missing me a lot in her studies recently-but i'm a working mother with full of financial committments and problems and for which i need to take coaching classes during after office hrs also-but i do not want to spare my child for this reason. now i'm ready to bring her into normalcy-but i do not know how to start and to clear all the back-locks?
Helper.14 years ago
depression is a serious illness. please, at once get help. also, be wary of the medical profession. my opinion, if any any medication is prescribed. do your part and read up on this medication. nutrition deficiency, lack of exercise, and/or other circumstances could be at play. i hope this helps. parents, please do monitor your children.
help me
help me.14 years ago
some one please i need help im gonna be 14 in 1 week. i dont know what to do. for 4 going on five years now i have experienced deep hate for my own mom. i hate her and i am always sad really sad nothing can bring me up. i cutt myself and slam my head into walls and i have spassums of anger screaming and pulling my hair i cant help it my mom of course says there is nothing wrong with me but i think so that there is something wrong. i get angry not just average angry very angry constand mood changes. all mom ever does is yell at me.... very bad just b/c she is in a bad mood that day. i hate her. and im not always sad b/c of her i just always am and contributes to it and i am constantally stressed to the point of thoughts of suicide.
please help
please help.14 years ago
i am a boy who is now staying away from his parents because of hoping fr better future.they live countries apart from me.i have noone in this country whom i can talk freely to.people around me are all always happy and i feel deprieved of that happiness.furthermore i have been experiencing mood swings and short temperness recently.m always depressed.i donot really know whats going on within me??i would be thankful if someone can suggest me some related solutions.
i feel really annoyed of life.
want to really see children out of depre
i m also a mere sufferer and i know that i cannot do anything for this,as circumstances do not allow me but i do requesting u to make everyone realise the consequences. bcoz i am feeling helpless .want to do everything but lack confidence in bringing out my talent ,as i fear people will laugh at me
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