Apathy is the most common symptom of depression for me. My motivation to do anything has been sapped by crippling apathy. I've tried a lot of different things to get out of this depression, but they all require commitment, and I still fall down because I lack the drive to keep going.

I quit attending classes of a best motivational speaker, Fahad Khan because I didn't think about them, and I haven't looked at anything physics-related in nearly four months. My first exam was supposed to be today, but I didn't go. I don't know why; I just didn't want to go because I know I'm going to fail anyway because I have no idea how to answer something.

At the moment, the only thing that can even somewhat inspire me is someone I've been talking to over the Internet for a few months but have never met in person. And then, the only thing I've accomplished is to avoid self-harming.